The Parents’ Role

One parent is designated the "practice parent." Attending each lesson, this parent will take copious notes so that they know what the child should be practicing and will observe how the teacher works with the child to achieve assigned goals.

“It is the child’s job to resist. It is the parent’s job to insist!” —Haruko Kataoka

The parent is responsible for teaching a practice routine at home. Children like to play, but must be taught how to practice. They will not remember everything that was assigned and, if given the choice, they won’t be interested in “practicing” versus playing a video game. Set your child up for success by allowing video game time after practice time. The parent who is committed to guiding practice, focus, and can nurture a child’s enthusiasm with unlimited patience and perseverance, is the secret to successful students starting at a young age.

Please bring a notebook, large notepad, or binder for recording assignments, observations and practice. This can be like a diary for you and your child! Students actually like looking through past doodles and notes. It's a way for them to see their progress on paper and the beginning steps toward ownership and responsibility, when they will write assignment notes.

I do not recommend keeping notes on a phone since it is not readily available for the child. However, phones are great for recording short videos of new assignments. This helps avoid arguments on exactly how to accomplish the task.

Please avoid the distractions of email, texts or making phone calls during the lesson. Not only will you miss the point of the task at hand, you will have shown your child you do not value their lesson time.

This is an activity you do with your child. It is long term and, while it won't be easy every day,

it should be a rewarding part of your relationship for years to come!